
curl [IP_domain]            -> queries a resource either by IP address or by domain and shows it in terminal
dig [domain]                -> shows DNS information about a domain
dig -x host                 -> reverses lookup on domain
dig -x [ip_address]         -> reverses lookup of an IP address
host [domain]               -> does an IP lookup for a domain
hostname -I                 -> shows the local IP address
ifconfig                    -> shows IP addresses of all network interfaces
ip addr show                -> shows IP addresses and network interfaces
ip address add [IP_address] -> assigns an IP address to interface eth0
netstat -i                  -> shows network interfaces and their status
netstat -nutlp              -> shows tcp and udp ports and their programs
netstat -pnltu              -> shows active (listening) ports
ping [IP_domain]            -> checks the availability of the resource
traceroute [IP_domain]      -> shows the packet path to an IP or domain
wget [file_name]            -> downloads a file from a domain
wget [IP_domain]            -> downloads a resource either by IP address or by domain
whois [domain]              -> shows more information about a domain

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