Principles of usability and Heuristics

  1. System status visibility: The user should know what is happening in each interaction with the product (loading, saving, errors). You should receive a feedback on the status of the product.

  2. Product and real world relationship: The user should have no doubts when interacting with the system, all the information must be provided so that the system can operate.

  3. User control and freedom: The user must be able to cancel or exit a process, without ending it and without commitments.

  4. Consistency: In the design of the visual blocks of the system flow, try to carry a pattern in all the elements of the system.

  5. Error prevention: Provide clear instructions of what the user is expected to do within our product.

  6. Recognize before remembering: Deliver valuable information to the user and also provide a way for the user to review it when needed without going to their memory.

  7. Flexibility and efficiency of use: Deliver an interface capable of satisfying advanced and non-advanced users. Allow the use of the product without the need for specialized knowledge.

  8. Aesthetic and minimalist design: do not saturate the user with content, show only the relevant content for each view or each action that the user has decided to access. Do not put elements that distract the user from the objective of the view.

  9. Help the user to recognize and correct errors: Give information to the user about what is generating errors or inconsistencies in the system.

  10. Help and documentation: Detect the most common doubts of users when using our product and provide information that can solve them immediately.

Last updated