Data visualization

Data Storytelling

  • It allows us to make users develop in a more dynamic way with our reports

  • It helps us capture the user's attention and he himself discovers new information through interactions

Create visualizations

Choosing the correct visualization is one of the most important parts of our project: Communicating our ideas or discoveries to a larger audience in a dynamic way

  • Less is more

  • Colors are important, use them well

  • Keep your elements well aligned

  • Be consistent

  • Isn't always good to show a whole figure

  • Show only related information

  • A bad choice of a visual can cause the information to not be transmitted correctly

Create a report with Power BI

What is a report?

It's the collection of pages segmented by a particular theme and offers a summarized and interactive view with the ability to filter according to the user's needs

Data Storytelling with Power BI

  • Bookmarks: They save the configuration of the current view of the report

  • Buttons: Allows to activate an action of our report

  • Advanced tooltips: Allows to show additional detail to our visualizations

Last updated